The Top 10 Tips for Real Results


Grama always said that God gave us two ears & one mouth for a reason.  Listen at least twice as much as you talk!


Be sure everyone has a chance to speak when holding meetings. Your most quiet participant may have the most valuable ideas. 


Not everyone communicates the same way.  Some folks need time to process information before they have a response.  


Take a breath before reacting, whether the news is good or bad.  Breathing allows your logical brain to kick in and analyze, so your emotions don’t hijack your decisions. 


Keep everyone talking, ask for input, forgive mistakes when they happen (as long as they aren’t habitual).


Repeat back what you heard to be sure you heard what they meant! 


Don’t use 100 words when 10 will do!


Shut Up & Listen may sound harsh, but it’s the hardest thing for us to do…and the most important. 


55/38/7 – visual, vocal and verbal cues all count toward communication success.  Surprisingly, words matter the least. 


Your time and the venue: start and end meetings on time and hold important sessions off site to avoid interruptions. 

Ready to THRIVE? You may need a guide.  The Abiding Strategy® System is here for you.