Exchange your values, your vision, your mission. Be in the 20% — 20% of American companies that even have strategy and plans. Think about that. Everyone should have a strategy and plan, because you’re being coached by SCORE and they’re great at this. So, we have 20% in the room? No, we probably have 60%, 70%, 80% in this room that have a strategy and a plan. 
In America, it’s only 20%. And guess what? A significant portion of that 20% writes the plan and sticks it in a drawer somewhere. They don’t work around it, they don’t execute on it. You’d be so much further ahead just with that one little step.
You know the old story about the two guys being chased by a bear? You don’t have to be faster than the bear, you only have to be faster than the guy behind you, running from the bear.
If you can do the vision, values, and mission — if you can have a really good strategic plan, you’re already ahead — because you’re in the 20%.