Small Business Growth Workshop 2024: Leading into the Future
A workshop for rising Leaders, Managers, and Supervisors in North Texas 
  • The Small Business Growth Workshop: Leading into the Future is specifically designed for small business owners who want to explore all the options for building a thriving business!
  • We will share tips, tricks, and tools that will help you grow your business successfully for many years to come.
  • A wonderful hot breakfast is included!
  • We’ll have amazing speakers, door prizes, and lots of bonus materials to be provided at this second annual event hosted by Abiding Strategy.


July 12, 2024
8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.


Lisa H. Harrington

Jeff Chastain

Jason Dyer

Max Schwartzstein


8:00  AM Attendee check in and fabulous hot breakfast!  
8:30 AM Announcements Lisa Harrington
8:45 AM Marketing Your Vision

Jason Dyer

    Networking Break
9:45 AM The Economic Drivers of Today Max Schwartzstein
    Networking Break
10:45 AM

Leveraging AI for Business Growth:
When to Invest and When to Resist

Jeff Chastain
11:45 AM Door Prize Drawing & Dismissal Lisa Harrington